Interaction Analytics (speech analytics and text analytics) makes it possible to obtain the correct and complete information from thousands of telephone calls and textual customer interactions quickly and with high reliability. With the availability of Large Language Models, Bumicom has developed its own Insights Analytics platform.
Getting reliable and complete information quickly is essential for optimizing business processes and monitoring trends. Nexidia Interaction Analytics can be used to analyze:
Omni-channel speech analytics and text analysis from Bumicom gives your organization insight into the customer experience of your products and services without the need for additional market research. After all, customers tell themselves what matters to them during the contact.
Unstructured data such as phone calls, chats, e-mail and other digital channels contain valuable information. The insights from the analyzes of these customer interactions contribute to maximizing the set business goals. Input to improve and continuously monitor the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the processes, systems, people and resources.
All conversations can be listened to through searches, dictionary independent. Everything that is said can be found. This is a different approach than the speech-to-text principle, in which the success of the system depends on the accuracy of the recognition and the almost statically constructed dictionary. Nowadays, with the availability of Large Language Models, Bumicom offers its own developed Insights Analytics platform with hight quality transcriptions (low word error rate).
Words from conversations are combined with metadata and this can then be reported on. For example, connections can be made between quantitative parameters such as talk time or waiting time and qualitative parameters such as customer statements. The silence time that is not measured in metadata can also be analyzed with the software. Speech-to-text is also part of our solution as an extra option. This while phonetic indexing really makes the difference.
Through the right insights based on complete reality, decisions are better founded and the energy for improvement can also be focused.
If you have the metadata from the existing intelligence linked by Bumicom to Nexidia, your organization can obtain insights even more easily.
Interaction analytics gives your organization a better picture of the customer experience because, for example, the sentiment and voice of the customer can be analyzed. By knowing how customers really experience the service and service, your organization can take targeted actions for improvement.
Because topics in interactions such as telephone conversations are automatically detected, they can also be reported automatically. This increases the employability of agents and reduces the administrative burden.
Provide insight into the extent to which laws and regulations and agreements are actually complied with with 100% data. For example, by automatically measuring whether the correct control questions are asked and detecting fraud cases.
An obvious application is quality improvement of telephone calls. Get insights on the key performance indicators to understand how things are going per product, services, unit, team or agent. Which agent needs coaching on what? With standard quality monitoring the supervisor or teamleader listen to a few calls per agent per time period. Interaction analytics gives you insights on all of the calls which gives a objective and better view on the KPI's of your interest.
For example, which agents have over average NON-talk together with doubt language? Supervisors and teamleader can now see, listen and coach the KPI's on daily basis to get the underperformers to a higher level. The dashboards show at a glance how well agents are performing and coach where needed. Targeted coaching saves FTEs, increases the effectiveness of coaching and increases the employability of employees who do not need to be coached.
By using interaction analytics, the unknown causes of repeat traffic, transfer, Average Handling Time (AHT) and silence time within conversations become clear. These insights can be used to improve quality and reduce costs.
Disruptions can be detected near real-time by means of a query on the current telephone calls and guided to the correct processes.
How do customers respond to marketing campaigns? How can we better attune to the needs of the customer? These kinds of questions are answered quickly and easily by better business intelligence.
Do you want to use Interaction Analytics or Insight Analytics for your organization and can you use Bumicom's support and solutions for this? Get in touch with us. We would be happy to discuss how we can be of service to you.