Bumicom wants to be sure that your recording, quality monitoring or interaction analytics solutions will (and continue to) function in accordance with the set requirements and wishes. This means that the Bumicom team is constantly informed of the situation regarding the requirements and wishes. Our team keeps track of all changes in technology, functionality, legislation and standards and works according to the latest wishes and requirements.
It is imperative that Bumicom's communication solutions be compatible with external systems such as telephone exchanges, arbitration systems, radio systems, Social Media platforms, chat / IM programs or email archives. The suppliers of these external systems offer the possibility to test and certify the compatibility through partner programs. Bumicom's partnership with these suppliers also ensures that systems remain compatible in changes to the external systems. Bumicom offers certified and tested solutions for these platforms and technical standards:
In addition to technical compatibility with external systems, Bumicom also strives for conformity with legislation, regulations, industry-specific standards and organization-specific standards.
Some examples of the laws, regulations and standards that Bumicom takes into account are:
Compatibility and conformity are demonstrated with acceptance tests. Examples include the Factory Acceptance Test, Site Acceptance Test and the User Acceptance Test. In addition, Bumicom works with automatic tests and scans (for example, penetration tests) to demonstrate compatibility and conformity.
Would you like more information about testing and certification of communication systems? Or are you curious about what Bumicom can do for your organization? Please contact us directly. We are happy to discuss how we can be of service to you.